EXPONENTIAL_AUCTION.MD estimates a first-price auction model with iid private values distributed exponentially. The three data sets are in BIDS24.DAT, BIDS50.DAT, BIDS150.DAT and BIDS450.DAT. Each data set contains a sample of equilibrium bids for private values generated from an exponential with parameter theta=2. To run the program, change the data set on line 8 as desired, and modify the solver information on line 66. FISHER-TIPPETT_AUCTION.MD estimates a first-price auction model using the data of Campo, Perrigne and Vuong (2003) and under the assumption that private values are independent and distributed according to a Fisher-Tippett extreme value distribution. To run the program, change the data set on line 8 as desired, and modify the solver information on line 66.