ICE 2012 Reading Lists

Benjamin Skrainka

Investing in Unix human capital will increase your productivity immensely over your career. I use A practical guide to Linux commands, editors, and shell programming, 2nd Edition by Mark G. Sobell in my class at the University of Chicago. It is available for purchase at Amazon.

Please read a little about Berry, Levinsohn, and Pakes's (1995) model (aka BLP) because several lectures use it to illustrate proper numerical techniques. If you have a passing familiarity with BLP, you will enjoy the lectures more. The easiest place to start is Train's Chapter 13 from the second edition of his discrete choice book (freely downloadable from the web). I have included this chapter in the list of papers.


In addition, some of my lectures which may be of interest to those of you using C, C++, or FORTRAN. At some point, you should learn version control because it just might save your (professional) life. I will give a lecture on this, time permitting. You can access some of my lectures at They will help you acquire fundamental software development skills (version control, make, debugging, programing style, etc.). In addition, my coding convention may be of interest: